R & D : Computer Science & Engineering

Journals Papers


  1. Privacy Preserving Data Publishing Through Anonymization

      Author: Dr. Avani Vasant

     Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research

 ISSN : –  2349-5162

  1. Technique for Optimization of Association Rule Mining by Utilizing Genetic Algorithm

      Author: Dr. Avani Vasant

     Journal: Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications

     ISSN : –  2213-2759/19

  1. Diabetic Retinopathy Detection and Grading Using Machine Learning

     Author: Dr. Nandini Chaudhari

     Journal: International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and  Engineering

     ISSN : –  2278-3091

  1. Wavelet-Based Thermal Image Analysis Methods

     Author: Dr. Nandini Chaudhari

    Journal: UGC approved International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering  (IJRTE)

    ISSN : –  2277-3878

  1. A Review of Heart Failure in Person with Arrhythmia using Intelligent Techniques

     Author: Dr. Nandini Chaudhari

     Journal: UGC approved International Journal of Information Technology  (IIJIT)

     ISSN : – 2321-5976

  1. Multi-objective Prediction based Task Scheduling Method in Cloud Computing

     Author: Dr. Swapnil M Parikh

    Journal: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

    ISSN : –  2277-3878

  1. A Comparative Study on Game Playing using AI Methodology 

   Author: Ketan B. Rathod

   Journal: Institution of Engineers (India) Kolkata, CE Division board

  1. Forecast of Online radicalization of Twitter text content using enhanced classification methods  

   Author: Ketan B. Rathod

    Journal: JASC

   ISSN  : 1076-5131/6/5

  1. Data Migration: Types & Challenges 

    Author Ketan B. Rathod 

   Journal: IJMECE 

   ISSN  : 2321-2152/7/4

  1. A Brief Study on How a Simple Program Get Executed on Computer Hardware by  Using Different System Program 

Author: Pratik N Patel & Pragna Makwana 

Journal: International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology 

ISSN  : 2349-6002

  1. Comparison Study of handwritten digit recognition using Artificial neural network and  convolutional neural network: A review 

Author: Sonia Flora 

Journal: JETIR 

ISSN : 2349-5162

  1. Handwritten Gurmukhi digit prediction using convolutional neural network with keras and  tensorflow 

 Author Sonia Flora 

 Journal: ICICCS 

 ISSN : 978-1-5386-8113-8


  1. Privacy preservation of class association rules and its optimization by utilizing genetic algorithm 

 Author: Dr. Avani Vasant

Journal: International Journal of Engineering & Technology 

ISSN :  6862-6865

  1. A Comprehensive review and efficient implementation of Privacy Preserving associative classification. 

 Author: Dr. Avani Vasant

Journal: Journal on Information Technology

  1. Detection of Communities on social network using frequent pattern mining on incremental data 

 Author: Dr. Nandini Chaudhari

Journal: UGC approved International Journal for Research in Engineering Application
&  Management (IJREAM) 

ISSN :  2454-9150

  1. A Survey on Graph Based Efficient Algorithm for Semantic Web Service Composition 

Author: Dr. Swapnil M Parikh 

Journal: International Journal of Futuristic Trends in Engineering and Technology 

ISSN : 2348-5264

  1. Machine Learning based Task Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Computing 

Author: Dr. Swapnil M Parikh 

Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 

ISSN : 2349-5162

  1. IOT Based Toll Collection System using Image Processing 

Author: Jekishan K. Parmar 

Journal: International Journal of Computer Engineering & Technology (IJCET) 

ISSN : 0976-6367

  1. Triggering Security Features of Oracle 

Author: Ankur N Shah 

Journal: Rungta International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology 

ISSN : 2456-026X

  1. Large Amount of Multi Media Transmission using QR-Code 

Author: Shradha Prajapati 

Journal: IJSRSET 

ISSN : 2395-1990 |



1. Associative Classification: A Comprehensive Analysis and Empirical Evaluation

 Author: Dr. Avani Vasant

 Journal: IEEE

 ISSN : 978-1-5386

2. A Survey on Ayurvedic Medicine Classification using Tensor flow

 Author: Dr. Avani Vasant

 Journal: International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)

 ISSN : 2231-2803

3. Resource Management in Cloud Computing: Classification and Taxonomy

 Author: Dr. Swapnil M Parikh

 Journal: Cornell University Library – arXiv

 ARXIV: 1703.00374

4.  AB-INITIO (Intial) Resource Management in  Cloud Computing: An Experimental  Survey

Author: Dr. Swapnil M Parikh


 ISSN : 2320-2882

5. A survey on Data Compression Algorithms under Cyptography and security

 Author: Kavita Tiwari 

 Journal: Nirupan: An e-Journal of RBIMS 

 ISSN  : 2395-7123/1/2

6. A Comparative Study of Toll Collection Systems in India 

Author: Jekishan K. Parmar 

Journal: International Journal of Engineering Research and Development

ISSN : 2278-800X

7. Speech Based Watermarking Relational Databases

Author: Pragna Makwana

Journal: International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development

ISSN : 2348-4470

8. Biclustering of web Usage Data using Genetic Algorithm.

Author: Pragna Makwana

Journal: International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development

ISSN : 2348-4470

9. Unique Item Information using RFID

Author: Pragna Makwana

Journal: International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development

ISSN : 2348-4470

10. NFC Based Food Order Application For Shopping Mall.

Author: Pragna Makwana

Journal: International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development

ISSN : 2348-4470

11. IOT Based “Smart Dustbin”

Author: Pragna Makwana

Journal: International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development

ISSN : 2348-4470


1. Named Entity Recognition and Classification for Gujarati Language

Author : Dr. Avani R. Vasant

Journal: ICACCI

ISSN : 978-1-5090-2028-7

2. New human semen analysis system (casa) using microscopic image processing techniques 

 Author : Dr. Nandini Chaudhari

 Journal: International journal on image and video  processing(IJIVP)

 ISSN : 0976-9102 

3. Implementation of DNA cryptography in cloud computing and using socket programming

Author : Ashish B Prajapati

Journal: ICCCI,  IEEE

ISSN : 978-1-4673-6679-3 

4. Content Delivery Networks: Technology Survey and Research Challenges 

Author: Jekishan K. Parmar 

Journal: CSI Communications 

ISSN : 0970-647X 

5. Internet of Things: Architecture and Research Challenges 

Author: Jekishan K. Parmar 

Journal: CSI Communications 

ISSN : 0970-647X

6. IoT: Networking Technologies and Research Challenges 

Author: Jekishan K. Parmar 

Journal: International Journal of Computer Applications 

ISSN : 0975 – 8887

7. A Survey on online social network methodologies

Author: Ankur N Shah

Journal: International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology 

ISSN  2349-6010

8. Review paper on concept drift in process mining

Author: Ankur N Shah

Journal: International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology

 ISSN 2395-0072



1.New hybrid approach for identification of spermatozoa in human semen sample using  microscope image processing techniques 

 Author: Dr. Nandini Chaudhari 

Journal: Advances in Image and Video Processing 

ISSN : 2054-7412

2. Article: Microscope Image Processing: An Overview  

Author: Dr. Nandini Chaudhari

Journal: International Journal of Computer Applications 

ISSN : 0975-8887

3. A Novel Proposed Approach for Trust Calculation 

Author: Dr. Swapnil M Parikh 

Journal: International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS) 

ISSN : 2278-6856

4. Enhancing security in Cloud Computing by using BDEA Algorithm 

Author: Ashish B Prajapati 

Journal: International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication and Devices (ICCD), Springer, 


5. Single Imputation Method to Handle Missing Values in Large Dataset 

Author: Shradha Prajapati 

Journal: IJAERD 


6. Overview of Privacy preserving techniques and data accuracy 

Author : Ankur N Shah

Journal : International Journal of advance research in computer science and management  studies

ISSN :  2321-7782

7. The survey on rare association rule mining 

Author : Ankur N Shah 

Journal: Technix International Journal for Engineering Research 

ISSN : 2349-9249

8. A review paper on different pattern classification techniques based on web usage mining with Neural Network. 

Author: Ankur N Shah 

Journal: International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD) 

ISSN : 2348-4470

9. An Enhanced method to mine rare item sets using multiple item sets support based on cp tree 

Author: Ankur N Shah 

Journal: International Journal of Computer Applications 


10. An Empirical Framework on Adaptive Keyword Query Searching in Linked Databases 

Author: Pratik A. Patel 

Journal: 9th IndiaCom 


11. A Review on: Storage Database Consolidation Technology 

Author: Pratik A. Patel 

Journal: Communications of Applied Electronics-Volume-3 


12. Supporting Linked Databases in Keyword Query Searching Using Density Inverted Indexes 

Author: Pratik A. Patel 

Journal: Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing Springer 

ISSN: 978-81-322-2553-9

Books Published

No. Title ISBN Level Year Publisher
1 Graph       based       web recommendation    system

to improve time efficiency.

Co Author: Hemeaj varachhia

978-3-659-66609-4 International 2015 LAP           LAMBERT, GERMANY
2 Relational           database management system

Co Author: NA

978-93-80109-92-3 National 2011 Mahajan Publication, Ahmedabad
3 Block Queries & Solutions

Co Author: Dr. K. H. Wandra

————- National 2009 Akshat     Publication, Surendranagar