Library @BITS Edu Campus
The library was established along with the institute in 2004 and is one of the most resourceful libraries with state of the art infrastructure and modern amenities. It is geared to meet the academic and research information needs of students and faculties of the institute. It provides a conducive environment for the budding intellectual minds by providing user-oriented services to obtain and evaluate scholarly information and knowledge. It is a unique learning resource centre, which offers essential and specialized information resources and services to meet the growing information needs of students by;
- Developing user-based resources
- Organizing information resources
- Providing human and technologically moderated access to information
- Facilitating users to identify, locate, obtain and evaluate information
Print Resources still continue to be primary learning resources for college students. Library has a specialized collection of resources taking into consideration the course contents and research needs of all the departments of the Institute. Library employs a strong collection development policy and on an average, three thousand books are added to the collection every year. As on date it has a stock of about 23800 volumes and 4000 titles on various subjects. Library subscribes to over 85 scholarly print journals and magazines.
The library has distinguished reference sources like the Encyclopedia Britannica and Mc Graw Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, right from the inception of the institute. The library has an enriched collection of books on technical, self help and motivational subjects. The library also has a collection of audio-visual materials inform of Compact Discs and teaching materials.
The library is unique in its aspect of automation because it is one of the first in the state to have a fully functional library management system using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). All house keeping functions of the library like circulation of books and book search are done using this technology. The library has a special terminal known as OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) for students through which book search is done and whether the books are on shelf or issued can also be known. Use of RFID tags in issue and return of books makes the task of circulation very rapid and hence students do not have to wait in long queues.
The library takes special efforts in promoting the use of technological resources like E-Books and E-Journals among its students and faculties, so that they can keep abreast of the latest research trends and ongoing projects in their respective fields. The library has a huge and varied collection of electronic resources of international value. It includes E – Books, E- Journals, Standards and Conference Proceedings.
BIT Library is committed to provide accurate, efficient, and fast user friendly services based on institute’s objectives while performing a continuous quality assurance to fulfill user’s need of students’ and academic community. The library also aims to provide seamless access to information to its faculties through its rich and relevant information resources to support their research, teaching and learning activities.
Apart from the routine services of lending books and reading material, library also provides services such as;
- New Arrival Services: It includes displaying of newly acquired materials in the form of list and E-mails, so that students and teachers can know at a glance, if anything of their interest has come up in the library.
- Multimedia Services: The library has an exclusive section to browse internet and E- Resources of their interest
The library has setup an institutional repository to keep abreast with the latest trends in libraries. The repository is setup using open source software known as Dspace. This service enables the institute community to archive their preprints & postprints and other scholarly publications. In keeping with the objectives of the open access movement, the library expects this service to facilitate the institute researchers in self archiving and long-term preservation of their scholarly publications, provide easy access to these publications world wide and improve impact of their research. Students can access project reports, syllabus and question papers of the university anywhere on the campus as this facility is available on the intranet of the campus. The students can approach the library staff and send their requirements through the mail hosting facilities on the repository.